Saturday, February 9, 2008

A Better Alternative To Saving In Fixed Deposit

A couple of friends came over to join me and my family to celebrate the Chinese Lunar New Year.

We chit-chatted about education, employment, medical services, inflation, savings etc etc.

One of the guys lamented that the money in his fixed deposit account in one of our local banks is not giving the returns that he expects and he asked for my opinion.

My reply is simple "Do you have good risk appetite." We all understand the basic principle i.e. "no risk no reward." So if he is not prepared to take some form of risk he cannot expect his money lying in the fixed deposit to give him good return.

Naturally, I offered him a better alternative i.e. a financial plan that can give him absolute peace of mind. With capital guarantee, good returns and insurance protection, he can grow and realise your dreams. I asked him to have a look at NTUC Income’s Growth Plan.

The Growth Plan is almost similar to a bank's fixed deposit that come with added benefits. A Plan that can ensure that he and his family can stay financially healthy, even in the case of permanent total disability or death.

When the policy matures at the end of the term, you will receive the sum assured with accumulated bonuses.

I shared with him in details how the plan works. Having understood how it works, he aksed me to put him on the program after the Lunar New Year.

If you are interested to know why my friend agreed to my suggestion, please feel free to contact me at 97843155 or email me at

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