Saturday, July 7, 2007

Breast Cancer - Most Common Cancer Among Female In Singapore

According to statistics that I know of - one out of 4 or 5 female cancers is Breast Cancer. The number of females with breast cancer has doubled over the last 25 years and this number is still climbing.

These are the Risk Factors:

+ age : 77% are over the age of 50 but breast cancer can occur in
younger women
+ family history of breast cancer; especially among first-degree relatives
+ personal history of breast cancer
+ late pregnancies or never have children
+ inactive or sedentary lifestyle
+ smoking
+ alcohol consumption of more than one drink per day
+ high-fat diet

What are the Warning Signs

* lump or thickening [a mass, swelling, skin irritation, or distortion]
in or near breast or in the underarm area
* nipple discharge with blood, erosion, inversion, or tenderness
* change in the colour or feel of the skin of the breast, areola,
or nipple [dimpled, puckered or scaly]
* change in the size or shape of the breast

Prevention Measure

[a] Breast Self Examination [BSE]

It is very important for every woman above 20 years old to learn and practise BSE regularly once a month, about a week after each menstrual period.

Women who no longer have periods should practise BSE on a fixed date each month.

About 90% of breast lumps are detected by BSE. These lumps are usually not cancerous but early detection of cancerous lumps in the breast gives the best chance of a completely successful treatment.

Routine Mammogram

Women age 40 - 49 years of age are encouraged to go for regular mammography every year while those 50 years and above should go every two years.

Women who are at higher risk of developing breast cancer should see a doctor for advice.

The cost of healthcare has increased tremendously over the last 10 years. Your finances and savings can be wiped out by a major hospitalisation. It is essential to ensure adequate insurance cover to cushion the financial burden if you should become critically ill.

Please feel free to contact me if you need more information about the critical illness insurance covers offer by NTUC INCOME, under no obligation of course.

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