Wednesday, March 28, 2007

A Sincerest Love Letter That You Ever Receive

Life insurance has been given many names. One touching one is : "the sincerest love letter ever written" by a sole bread winner to all his loved. Why, because no life policy in the world can replace the life of a loved one. The primary purpose of life insurance is not to replace life. It is only to replace income of the breadwinner that sustain life of those who need to live on. It keeps dreams alive even after the breadwinner's demise. Which other love letters were written with such noble intentions in mind? Of course, there is none that can be compared to life insurance, isn't?

Life insurance creates capital where none existed before. In this respect, no other financial instruments on earth can do what life insurance can do. Two cents a year and you create a dollar where there is none before so to speak. Put aside twenty thousand dollars and you create an immediate one million dollars fund. What other instruments can perform such awesome magic?

Insure yourself adequately [your financial capability permits]. Then if your loved ones need to cry, at least, it is because they missed you, not because they can no longer feed themselves. It is time for a crucial decision and the making priority of your needs. Make a little financial sacrifice for their tomorrow, for their many days to come.

Spend say 10% less a day. Is that too much to ask from your dear ones? You will be surprised at how much capital it can create for them. After all, you claimed you sweat so hard to build a future for them, why not insure your life for them? Make the decision today, not tomorrow, for it could be too late.

Make that important decision today - so that when you take a long leave and forget to come back, more people can still smile with tears in their eyes; knowing that they have not only lost a husband, a father, business partner, a debtor but also a sincere individual who has blessed their life. Having said so much really it is all in your hand.

If you have yet to do something meaningful for your loved ones, do drop me at note and I will be more than delighted to share how you could go about creating a capital for the benefits of your loved ones.


Unknown said...


1) where is your handsome photo?

2) talk something controversial to generate traffic, like govt policies, ins. scam n misrepresentations.


John Low said...

Dear Henry

Tks for visiting my Blog. I appreciate it very much. This is just a humble beginning. As a matter of fact, I have thought about creating a Blog to provide a place for me to share what I know for some time now. So still learning. I don't know how to talk lah so for a start I will share something in general. Your suggestion is good I will whenever appropriate. Hope you pay me more visits and guide me on how to improve my Blog. Alamak, don't know how to insert photo still struggling - if you know can share with me? Anyway, thanks for your valuable sharing.

Khiat Han Hwee Adrian said...
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Khiat Han Hwee Adrian said...

thats a nice blog. Keep it up.
Do visit mine once a while. Hope can give you some idea too.

my blog is at

Unknown said...

Dear Mr John Low, I like your blog is very informative and your passion for insurance comes across. I am currently in the process of updating our websites and I like to used most of the text for this article "A sincerest love letter that you ever received" on our sites and I am passionate as well for insurance and I think that your letter is very moving. Hope to get your permission and blessing in using most of your text on our site. I am having other agents in our firm to read your blog because I think they can benefit immensely.

Thank you in advance.

Sincerely yours,

John Logan