Thursday, March 29, 2007

I Don't Need Insurance Because I ....

Just a recollection. Some years back I had an occasion to sit down with a Prospect to do a Financial Need Analysis. True enough - after subtracting the liability from his net asset, there was a surplus of one plus million $$$. Bottom line - he said thank you not need to buy life insurance.

That was right theoretically. However, my suggestion to him was unless someone could guarantee him that he could stay in the pink of health for the rest of his life then fine.

I told him that once a critical illness striked, the illness could literally wreck the fortune he had accumulated over a lifetime? He nodded in agreement.

Indeed, Critical Illnesses are becoming more and more common. Worst still, the various costs of medical treatments are sky-rocketing. So, why expose your savings to these medical-cost risk.

Leave your savings for your family. Pass the risk of high medical treatment cost to the Insurer then.

So these are facts :-

Fact 1 - Critical Illnesses are becoming more common today

Fact 2 - Treatment costs are escalating upward speedily

Fact 3 - You can afford the insurance premiums, you may not
be able to afford the unpredictable future treatments costs.

NTUC INCOME offers a critical illness plan popularly known as
LIVING POLICY that covers one against 30 specified illnesses
at affordable cost. It pays to have a look at this website

Do drop me a note if you need my assistance.

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