Wednesday, July 9, 2008

How Are Free Radicals Formed?

Earlier on, I talked about Free Radicals. Now I want to share with you on "how are free radicals formed."

Well, these are the possible causes :-

1. Consuming Unhealthy Food

- fatty diet made up of processed food, fried food,
barbecued and charbroiled food.

2. Consuming Alcoholic beverages

3. Smoking Cigarette

- one cigarette is said to unleash 3 trillion free radicals
into the blood stream !

4. Stress

- all chemicals and some endocrine hormones create free radicals

5. Toxicity

- toxi chemicals in pesticides and insecticides

6. Ultraviolet [UV] rays

7. Pollutions

- environmental pollutants and contaminants.

Researchers believe that anthocyanins, the natural antioxidant substances thaqt berriers create to fight free radicals can augment our body's natural supply and act as a second line of defense in the human body.

Anthocyanins are found in the product called OPTIVIN. If you want to know more about this product, feel free to drop me an email or contact me

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