Wednesday, December 26, 2007


Question 1:

Do I have at least $30,000 right now
to avert a financial catastrophe if I am
stricken with a dread disease e.g. cancer
(It can happen when people least expect it)

[ ] No [ ] Yes

Question 2:

Do I have an insurance plan to pay for
the hospital bill?

[ ] No [ ] Yes: Incomedshield / Other Shield

Question 3:

Do I have a steady income if I am unable to work
because of the dread illness or a bad accident?

[ ] No [ ] Yes

Question 4:

Will I have the money at the time when
I stop working (retire) to last your life time?

[ ] No [ ] Yes

If your answers are NO, then please do not proscrinate any further, drop me an email or call me and I shall see how best I can be of assistance to you.

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