Wednesday, November 28, 2007

New Assist Rider To Keep Hospital Bill To A Minimum

NTUC INCOME has recently introduced a new supplementary benefit [commonly called Rider] to provide the necessary protection while incorporating features to reduce the prospect of abuse, thus managing the costs for all concerned. This new Rider is called “Assist Rider” replaces the “Incomeshield Plus Rider”.

According to NTUC INCOME, with the experience of hindsight, it realized that full rider with no co-payment element lends itself to over-servicing and over-consumption. This inevitably results in rising claims and costs, with insurers ending up having to raise premiums regularly.

Also, compared to “full” rider plans offered by other insurers in the market, the premium for Assist Rider is 40%-50% lower. For example, for a 45 year old, savings from the new Assist Rider could be as much as $1,700 over 10 years. For a family of four, the savings can add up to a considerable $5,000-$6,000 over 10 years.

With the new Assist Rider, the Insured will bear the “co-payment” portion which is 10% of the benefits, subject to a maximum cap of $1,500 [for Plan C] to $3,000 [for Plan P].

Do drop me a note if you want to know more about the Enhanced Incomeshield plan or this new Rider.

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